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下列156-835练习题是Check Point 156-835完整题库的一部分. 156-835完整练习题库共有64道题. Examook最新156-835练习题库可以助您顺利通过考试. 如果您使用我们的题库没有效果, 我们将全额退还您的购买费用. 想要测试和学习Eaxmook 156-835练习题库? 现在开始吧!

 完整 156-835 练习题库

Check Point 156-835 练习题库

156-835 w练习题库的更新日期是 2023-02-15 .

正在练习第 1页 ,共 3 页.

正在练习第 1题 ,共 16 道题


What does the lldpctl command do?

A. Show all devices discovered by LLDP protocol on downlink ports
B. Discover orchestrators
C. Show all devices discovered by LLDP protocol on uplink ports
D. Show all devices discovered by LLDP protocol on all ports


What type of cluster can a Security Group can be compared to?

B. Load Sharing Active /Active
C. Active / Backup
D. Active / Standby


Which licenses should be issued for the Orchestrator?

A. No licenses are required for Orchestrator
B. The Orchestrator is considered a Management server, hence it's licensed the same way
C. The Orchestrator requires NGTX license
D. Depends on Software Blades enabled on connected appliances


What is the Iterator process?

A. Iterator is the process that simulates distribution in case of Appliance failure
B. Iterator is the process that follow Appliance recovery and simulates what was a distribution if recovered Appliance was alive
C. Iterator is the process that runs on the Orchestrator and calculates a distribution in case of Appliance failure
D. Iterator is the process that runs on the Orchestrator and calculates a distribution in case of Appliance recovery

Iterator is the process that follows Appliance recovery and simulates what was a distribution if recovered Appliance was alive. The Iterator process runs on the Security Management Server and simulates the distribution of the Security Gateways if the recovered Appliance was alive. This helps ensure that the network remains secure and the traffic flow is optimized.


What is a downlink interface used for?

A. To connect Orchestrators to customer's infrastructure
B. To connect appliances to customer's infrastructure
C. To connect appliances to Orchestrators
D. To connect in between Orchestrators

考题代码: 156-835考题数: 64 道题更新时间:  2023-02-15

 完整 156-835 练习题库

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