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VMware 2V0-72.22 练习题库

2V0-72.22 w练习题库的更新日期是 2025-03-13 .

正在练习第 1页 ,共 3 页.

正在练习第 1题 ,共 16 道题


Which two statements are true regarding bean creation? (Choose two.)

A. A Spring bean can be explicitly created by annotating methods or fields by @Autowired.
B. A Spring bean can be implicitly created by annotating the class with @Component and using the component-scanner to scan its package.
C. A Spring bean can be implicitly created by annotating the class with @Bean and using the component- scanner to scan its package.
D. A Spring bean can be explicitly created using @Bean annotated methods within a Spring configuration class.
E. A Spring bean can be explicitly created by annotating the class with @Autowired.



Which statement describes the @AfterReturning advice type? (Choose the best answer.)

A. The advice is invoked only if the method returns successfully but not if it throws an exception.
B. The @AfterReturning advice allows behavior to be added after a method returns even if it throws an exception.
C. The advice has complete control over the method invocation; it could even prevent the method from being called at all.
D. Typically used to prevent any exception, thrown by the advised method, from propagating up the call-stack.

Reference: https://www.amitph.com/spring-aop-afterreturning-advice


Which two statements are correct regarding the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation? (Choose two.)

A. It is a meta-annotation on the @SpringBootApplication composed annotation.
B. It enables auto-configuration of the ApplicationContext by attempting to guess necessary beans.
C. It is meta-annotation on the @SpringBootConfiguration composed annotation.
D. It has the same effect regardless of the package of the class that is annotated with it.
E. It ensures auto-configuration is applied before user-defined beans have been registered.

Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/api/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/EnableAutoConfiguration.html


Which two are required to use transactions in Spring? (Choose two.)

A. Add @EnableTransactionManagement to a Java configuration class.
B. Annotate a class, an interface, or individual methods requiring a transaction with the @Transactional annotation.
C. A class must be annotated with @Service and @Transaction.
D. A class requiring a transaction must implement the TransactionInterceptor interface.
E. Write a Spring AOP advice to implement transactional behavior.

Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/transaction-configuration-with-jpa-and-spring


Which statement defines a pointcut? (Choose the best answer.)

A. A point in the execution of a program such as a method call or field assignment.
B. An expression that selects one or more join points.
C. A module that encapsulated advices.
D. Code to be executed at each selected join point.

Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-aop-pointcut-tutorial

考题代码: 2V0-72.22考题数: 79 道题更新时间:  2025-03-13

 完整 2V0-72.22 练习题库

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