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Scrum PAL-EBM 练习题库

PAL-EBM w练习题库的更新日期是 2025-03-13 .

正在练习第 1页 ,共 8 页.

正在练习第 1题 ,共 41 道题


Using the four key value area's, EBM examines: (Choose all that apply)

A. The responsiveness of the organization in delivering value.
B. The effectiveness of the organization in delivering value.
C. The current state of the organization relative to the organizational goals.
D. Goals of the organization.

EBM looks at 4 Key Value Areas (KVAs). Defined measures will vary by organization, but all 4 areas contribute to an organization’s ability to deliver business value. These areas examine the goals of the organization (Unrealized Value), the current state of the organization relative to those goals (Current Value), the responsiveness of the organization in delivering value (Time-to-Market), and the effectiveness of the organization in delivering value (Ability-to-Innovate).


Which of the following might NOT help a team increases its frequency of delivery?

A. Automating the delivery pipeline.
B. Product Backlog refinements.
C. Reducing cross-team dependencies.
D. Synchronizing release schedules across teams.

While using a common release schedule could increase team synchronization, it is the role of the Product Owner to set common goals and help the teams to deliver value. Having the same release schedule might be a good recommendation but it does not guarantee increased value or frequent delivery (and thus time to market). The increase of value delivery is an often a result of applying Scrum in combination with empirical principles (transparency, inspection and adaptation) and the Scrum Values (Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, Courage).
Reducing the number of features in a product release can dramatically improve T2M; focus on removing non value-added activities from the product development and delivery process helps improve their T2M.


Which of the following can potentially help reduce time to market? (Choose all that apply)

A. Improving pipeline automation.
B. Reducing the number of features in a release.
C. Removing internal communication bottlenecks.
D. Removing tech debt.
E. Shorter sprint cycles.

A variety of things can reduce the Time-to-Market. The following activities help reducing time to market.


Which are the different categories of organizational Goals? (Select three)

A. Intermediate Goal
B. Sprint Goal
C. Product Goal
D. Strategic Goal
E. Immediate tactical Goal

All organizational Goals fall in the below three categories:
Strategic Goal is something important that the organization would like to achieve. This goal is so big and far away, with many uncertainties along the journey that the organization must use empiricism. Because the Strategic Goal is aspirational and the path to it is uncertain, the organization needs a series of practical targets, like Intermediate Goals, achievements of which will indicate that the organization is on the path to its Strategic Goal. The path to the Intermediate Goal is often still somewhat uncertain, but not completely unknown.
Immediate tactical Goals, critical known near-term tactical objectives toward which a team or group of teams will work help toward Intermediate Goals.
Remember the goals defined in the EBM guide are at an organizational level. Consider organizations where not all teams are using Scrum. Some parts may be using other agile methods (including continuous flow, just-in-time methods that don't have a Sprint-like iteration), while others may be using plan-driven methodologies. Regardless of which methodology is used, an organization using EBM would still have strategic, intermediate or immediate actionable goals driving what different teams are working toward.
Now if you consider an organization with a portfolio of products, If Scrum is being used, each team would have its own current Product Goal and each team working on the product would have a Sprint Goal, but those would all be more specific than the organizational goals.
One could link the organizational’s goals to a Scrum Team's goals in the context of a particular team. Each Scrum Team should ensure that their Product Goal and Sprint Goal are in support of the organization's Strategic Goal, Intermediate Goal, and Immediate Tactical Goal.
Here is a popular example describing the strategic, intermediate and tactical goals.
Consider the case of the response to an infectious disease:
The Strategic Goal is to eradicate the effects of the disease. This would be measured by the number of people who fall ill and suffer significant illness. Measurement is important; in this example, the goal is focused on the effects of the disease, and not on the means for achieving the desired impact. For example, the goal is not to vaccinate a certain percentage of the population against the disease; that may be an activity necessary to achieving the Strategic Goal, but it is not the Strategic Goal.
An example of an Intermediate Goal is the successful completion of a trial of a vaccine against the disease. This is still ambitious and measurable, and achieving it may require the completion of many different activities, but it is seen as a necessary step on the path to achieving the Strategic Goal. Examples of immediate tactical goals may include activities like isolating symptoms, evaluating a therapy, sequencing the DNA of a virus or bacterium, and so forth.
The Strategic Goal is usually focused on achieving a highly desirable but unrealized outcome for a specific group of people that results in improved happiness, safety, security, or well-being of the recipients of some product or service.


Product 1 creates profits of £1 million currently. Product 2 creates profits of £2 million currently.
Which product creates more value for customers?

A. We do not have enough information to know
B. Product 2
C. Product 1

In the Scrum framework, it is important for Scrum Teams to deliver a valuable Increment as frequently as they can ― at least once per Sprint. Each Increment brings the team and its stakeholders one step closer to a valuable Product Goal.
Whenever the Scrum framework talks about “value”, it refers to the valuable transactions between the Scrum Team and its stakeholders. In other words, something can only be valuable when it is delivered to and validated by stakeholders ― until then any value is purely hypothetical.
As seen in the above question event though the Products are making millions of dollars of profits, they might not be valuable to the company using it or product it. Remember profit does not equal customer value.

考题代码: PAL-EBM考题数: 131 道题更新时间:  2025-03-13

 完整 PAL-EBM 练习题库

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