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下列TA-002-P练习题是HashiCorp TA-002-P完整题库的一部分. TA-002-P完整练习题库共有449道题. Examook最新TA-002-P练习题库可以助您顺利通过考试. 如果您使用我们的题库没有效果, 我们将全额退还您的购买费用. 想要测试和学习Eaxmook TA-002-P练习题库? 现在开始吧!

 完整 TA-002-P 练习题库

HashiCorp TA-002-P 练习题库

TA-002-P w练习题库的更新日期是 2025-03-13 .

正在练习第 1页 ,共 16 页.

正在练习第 1题 ,共 80 道题


You’re building a CI/CD (continuous integration/ continuous delivery) pipeline and need to inject sensitive variables into your Terraform run.
How can you do this safely?

A. Pass variables to Terraform with a Cvar flag
B. Copy the sensitive variables into your Terraform code
C. Store the sensitive variables in a secure_vars.tf file
D. Store the sensitive variables as plain text in a source code repository



Terraform provisioners can be added to any resource block.

A. True
B. False

As you continue learning about Terraform, you will start hearing about provisioners.
Terraform provisioners can be created on any resource and provide a way to execute actions on local or remote machines.


You have deployed a new webapp with a public IP address on a clod provider. However, you did not create any outputs for your code.
What is the best method to quickly find the IP address of the resource you deployed?

A. Run terraform output ip_address to view the result
B. In a new folder, use the terraform_remote_state data source to load in the state file, then write an output for each resource that you find the state file
C. Run terraform state list to find the name of the resource, then terraform state show to find the attributes including public IP address
D. Run terraform destroy then terraform apply and look for the IP address in stdout



You need to constrain the GitHub provider to version 2.1 or greater.
Which of the following should you put into the Terraform 0.12 configuration’s provider block?

A. version >= 2.1
B. version ~> 2.1
C. version = “<= 2.1”
D. version = “>= 2.1”

version = ">= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0"
A version constraint is a string literal containing one or more conditions, which are separated by commas.
Each condition consists of an operator and a version number.
Version numbers should be a series of numbers separated by periods (like 1.2.0), optionally with a suffix to indicate a beta release.
The following operators are valid:
= (or no operator): Allows only one exact version number. Cannot be combined with other conditions.
!=: Excludes an exact version number.
>, >=, <, <=: Comparisons against a specified version, allowing versions for which the comparison is true. "Greater-than" requests newer versions, and "less-than" requests older versions.
~>: Allows only the rightmost version component to increment. For example, to allow new patch releases within a specific minor release, use the full version number: ~> 1.0.4 will allow installation of 1.0.5 and 1.0.10 but not 1.1.0. This is usually called the pessimistic constraint operator.


If you manually destroy infrastructure, what is the best practice reflecting this change in Terraform?

A. Run terraform refresh
B. It will happen automatically
C. Manually update the state fire
D. Run terraform import


考题代码: TA-002-P考题数: 449 道题更新时间:  2025-03-13

 完整 TA-002-P 练习题库

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